The everlasting covenant as "a messenger before [God's] face to prepare the way before [Him]." (Part 1 of 4)

It never ceases to surprise me how familiar scriptures change meaning over time as I learn things about other scriptures. This post will outline an interesting insight that is new to me as I study the Doctrine & Covenants this year, even though I would consider Section 45 to be “familiar territory” for me.

I’ve never noticed the description of the everlasting covenant found in verses 9-14:

And even so I have sent mine everlasting covenant into the world, to be a light to the world, and to be a standard for my people, and for the Gentiles to seek to it, and to be a messenger before my face to prepare the way before me.

10 Wherefore, come ye unto it, and with him that cometh I will reason as with men in days of old, and I will show unto you my strong reasoning.

11 Wherefore, hearken ye together and let me show unto you even my wisdom—the wisdom of him whom ye say is the God of Enoch, and his brethren,

12 Who were separated from the earth, and were received unto myself—a city reserved until day of righteousness shall come—a day which was sought for by all holy men, and they found it not because of wickedness and abominations;

13 And confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth;

14 But obtained a promise that they should find it and see it in their flesh.

Let’s break down verse 9 into a numbered list:

And even so I have sent mine everlasting covenant into the world, 

  1. to be a light to the world, and 
  2. to be a standard for my people, and 
  3. for the Gentiles to seek to it, and 
  4. to be a messenger before my face 
  5. to prepare the way before me.

I have long understood the covenant as the light and the standard. I also get that the Gentiles need to seek the covenant in order to join the covenant people. The new element here is the description of the covenant as the messenger before His face to prepare the way. 

Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I’m practically obsessed with angelic imagery. Angels prepare the way. It is given to men to experience an angelic invitation prior to judgment. Cherubim and a flaming sword guard the way of the tree of life. An angel leads Lehi to the tree of life, then he acts as an angel to lead his family there, too. And so on and so forth…

28 And after God had appointed that these things should come unto man, behold, then he saw that it was expedient that man should know concerning the things whereof he had appointed unto them;

29 Therefore he sent angels to converse with them, who caused men to behold of his glory. (Alma 12)

The passage at the top from Section 45 gives us a lot more detail, too.  I’ve decided to break this subject down into four part.  We’re at the end of part 1. The rest of the series will cover three unique phrases from the passage above and connect those ideas to other scriptures.

Part 2 will cover the concept of “[God’s] strong reasoning.” This is a really unique and curious way to describe the merits of the everlasting covenant and deserves some attention. I believe it has a lot to do with the day of judgment.

Part 3 will cover this subtle plea for unity: “hearken ye together.” Given that this verse also talks about “the God of Enoch [Hebrew for “initiated one”]” It makes sense to spend a little time talking about the next logical step after individual conversion — becoming a covenant people.

Finally, part 4 will unpack the concept of “a day of righteousness” which is what the covenant people seek. It has some promises associated with it, and these go way back to the foundation of the earth. 

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