"A great division"

There have been numerous posts lately about the concept of The Two Ways, which is quite prevalent in the Book of Mormon. Lately, I have noticed this in particular in conjunction with prophecies of the latter days and the gathering of Israel in the books of Nephi. In Nephi\’s vision, the concept of \”two churches\” is introduced. 1 Nephi 14:10

And he said unto me: Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth.

In 2 Nephi 10:16 we read

Wherefore, he that fighteth against Zion, both Jew and Gentile, both bond and free, both male and femaleshall perish; for they are they who are the whore of all the earth; for they who are not for me are against me, saith our God.

Based on further textual connections, it seems to me that the great and spacious building is basically the great and abominable church too. 1 Nephi 11:36

And it came to pass that I saw and bear record, that the great and spacious building was the pride of the world; and it fell, and the fall thereof was exceedingly great. And the angel of the Lord spake unto me again, saying: Thus shall be the destruction of all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, that shall fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

1 Nephi 8:26-27

26 And I also cast my eyes round about, and beheld, on the other side of the river of water, a great and spacious building; and it stood as it were in the air, high above the earth.
27 And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and female; and their manner of dress was exceedingly fine; and they were in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit.

When considering these verses together, it seems fair to say that

  • The great and abominable church = the whore of all the earth = the great and spacious building = the pride of the world = they who fight against Zion
Similarly to using different images and terms to describe this concept, its antithesis is also described as \”Zion\”, \”covenant people of the Lord\” (2 Nephi 6:13), \”church of the Lamb of God\” (1 Nephi 14:10), etc. The context of the verses with these descriptions is typically prophecies about the fate of Jews and Gentiles and the restoration of God\’s covenants and gathering of Israel in the latter days. See for instance how these things are linked in 2 Nephi 6:12

And blessed are the Gentiles, they of whom the prophet has written; for behold, if it so be that they shall repent and fight not against Zion, and do not unite themselves to that great and abominable church, they shall be saved; for the Lord God will fulfil his covenants which he has made unto his children

So we are right here in the latter-days where covenants have been restored, witnessing the great and marvelous work and the gathering of Israel. I can observe that happening. What I cannot observe as clearly is that \”there are only two churches\” as per definitions above. I look around at friends and strangers and see much diversity, not being able to draw a clear line between those who are part of Zion and those who fight against Zion. But I have come to realize this is not what is meant. 1 Nephi 14:7 explains

7 For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a marvelous work among the children of men; a work which shall be everlasting, either on the one hand or on the other—either to the convincing of them unto peace and life eternal, or unto the deliverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually, according to the captivity of the devil, of which I have spoken.

Incidentally, \”the captivity of the devil, of which I have spoken\” refers to the great and abominable church just a few verses earlier. By restoring the covenants and commencing this great and marvelous work, everybody will eventually get the chance to decide. But the work is \”everlasting\”. Most people today don\’t even know about the covenants the Lord is offering to them. As President Nelson says, the gathering of Israel happens on both sides of the veil.

2 Nephi 30:10

For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.

\”A great division\” will be caused. We don\’t see this division that clearly yet, but the banner has been raised and eventually each of us will have a decision to make. 

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