The Joseph – Jesus – Joseph chiasmus

In 2 Nephi 3, Lehi is telling his son, Joseph, about two other important people with the name, Joseph. Doing so, he quotes extensively from the brass plates where the prophecies of the first Joseph are written. Lehi says that Joseph of old “saw” their day (verse 5). In other words, he was a seer. I find it fascinating how Joseph, the seer of old, prophesied about another Joseph and seer far into the future who would bring forth God’s word to the seed of his loins (2 Nephi 3:11).

We don’t know exactly when Joseph of old lived, but estimates are in the range 2000-1600 BC. Assuming he lived around 1800 BC, there is beautiful symmetry here.

Consider this:

  • A:  About 1800 BC, Joseph, the seer of old, gathers Israel (his father and siblings) in Egypt and saves them from famine
    • B:  In the “meridian of time”, Jesus the Savior draws all people unto him through the atonement (3 Nephi 27:14-15)
  • A’:  About 1800 AD, Joseph Smith, the seer, is the instrument in restoring the gospel to commence the latter-day gathering of Israel, saving them from spiritual famine
So we are dealing with a chiasmus that is not found as a written text, but in the unfolded events of history. The BC Joseph looking forward to and prophesying about the AD Joseph and the AD Joseph bringing knowledge and scripture to the fruit of the loins of the BC Joseph. In verse 15, the BC Joseph says about the AD Joseph

And he shall be like unto me; for the thing, which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand, by the power of the Lord shall bring my people unto salvation.

In-between these two “saviors” of Israel is the center of the chiasmus where we find the Savior of the whole world.

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