Witnesses of the Book of Mormon plates

The testimonies of the 3 and 8 witnesses in the Book of Mormon are powerful. But I also like to read historical records containing their testimonies reaffirmed in various settings. All in all, I think the testimony from the witnesses is quite strong evidence that the plates actually existed. Critics have tended to be sloppy or dishonest with sources to fit their narrative of a visionary, dream-like experience. However, evaluating all sources and applying source criticism leads to another conclusion. Here are some facts

  • There are about 200 historical records containing statements from the witnesses about seeing the plates. These include first, second and third hand accounts
  • About 30 accounts are from Oliver Cowdrey, more than 70 accounts from David Whitmer and about 50 from Martin Harris. The rest are from the 8 witnesses. 
  • About 8-10 of these 200 accounts (i.e. 5%) include wording like \”eye of faith\”, \”vision\”, \”spiritual eyes\” or similar. These are the ones critics like to highlight. None of them, however, are first hand accounts, and the source is usually a contemporary critic of the church like Warren Parrish after apostatizing or John A. Clark, a former pastor who considered Joseph Smith a fraud.
  • All 11 witnesses publicly reaffirmed their testimony as printed in the beginning of the Book of Mormon and some went out of their way to correct false rumours and newspaper articles claiming that they had denied their testimonies
We cannot get into all the details here, but Richard Lloyd Anderson\’s book, \”Investigating the Book of Mormon witnesses\”, is a great resource. Anderson also presents at the FairMormon conference here. A few accounts are given below.

It was a clear, open beautiful day, far from any inhabitants, in a remote field, at the time we saw the record, of which it has been spoken, brought and laid before us, by an angel, arrayed in glorious light, [who] ascend [descended I suppose] out of the midst of heaven. Now if this is human juggling—judge ye

Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris, in letter dated 29 November 1829 

I saw [the Nephite artifacts] just as plain as I see this bed (striking his hand upon the bed beside him), and I heard the voice of the Lord, as distinctly as I ever heard anything in my life.

-David Whitmer, reported in The Latter-day Saints\’ Millennial Star Vol. 40 

Gentlemen, do you see that hand? Are you sure you see it? Are your eyes playing a trick or something? No. Well, as sure as you see my hand so sure did I see the angel and the plates.

-Martin Harris, Statement of William M. Glenn, cited in Deseret News, Oct. 2, 1943

Therefore I desire to testify to all that will come to the knowledge of this address; that I have most assuredly seen the plates from whence the book of Mormon is translated, and that I have handled these plates, and know of a surety that Joseph Smith, jr. has translated the book of Mormon by the gift and power of God

-John Whitmer, \”Address To the patrons of the Latter Day Saints\’ Messenger and Advocate\” (March 1836) 


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